Silvercord Plus is a highly flexible, fully shielded, handmade cable constructed using very high purity, solid OCC silver conductors and air/Teflon dielectric.
The cable has a very low capacitance of only only 35pF/m and it can be used with MM cartridges as well as low output MC cartridges.
The outer diamter of Silvercord Plus is 6mm but the cable is extremly flexible and suitable for use on turntables that have a sensitive suspention system and require a minimal mechanical feedback. It is finished with a purple (translucent) silicone rubber jacket.
SILVERCORD PLUS is a pure, continuous casting silver cable designed specifically for the low level signal of the the phono cartridges. This extremely detailed interconnect phono cable does not require an entire silver signal path on your system to show its qualities. It is open and fast, without the typical brightness of silver cables. Its high purity silver cores in combination with the most appropriate dielectrics and geometries allow a truly natural and neutral performance which does not lack body or musicality. Music is crystal clear with a well defined mid-range and upper bass.
Silvercord Plus.features 4 solid OCC silver cores in an all air-Teflon multilayer dielectric and a starquad geometry.
The assembly is fully shielded by two layers of screening. Underneath the dense, tight weave silver plated OFC copper braid there is a nickel and copper fiber mesh to offer additional protection with added coverage and materials suitable for a broad range of frequencies. The cable is finished with an extremely flexible silicone jacket. This symmetrical, low capacitance cable (35pF/m) uses the same exactly high purity Ohno Continuous Casting silver as our top line cables. SILVERCORD PLUS has a very flexible and lightweight yet robust and durable construction allowing its use with ease, regardless any equipment and set-up space restrictions.Silvercord Plus is neither an “off the reel” cable finished with good quality plugs, nor a DIY project with a fragile construction, unaccounted electrical properties and questionable performance. It is the product of extensive research and development, entirely hand crafted by ourselves and it meets the highest standards in the industry
Despite its professional design, construction and finish, SILVERCORD PLUS is a no-frills cable. This approach allows us to offer it at a very competitive price. As always, our pricing is a direct reflection of cost of materials and work required to produce the cable. Nothing more and nothing less. Price is not an indicator of performance and this cable will put in shame cables costing many times more. We are really happy to have created such a cable at a price that can be affordable to more customers, preserving all the essential electrical characteristics and sonic qualities for a truly unique and enjoyable listening experience
The cable is finished with an airtight, purple (translucent) flexible silicone jacket.
For more details on this cable and an image gallery you can visit:
External Link to SILVERCORD webpage (opens a new window).
Please select the required, length and combination of connectors for your cable. Once you have made your selection, your choice of connectors should be displayed at the top of the page.
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